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Our Portfolio
Our wide array of services caters to every requirement of yours. Here are the top three most sought after services that we offer. Do talk to us to know about the other amazing tailor-fit services we offer to clients.



Our IFS consultants provide state of the art implementation and project management. Our team covers:

  • Business Requirements Documentations
  • Gap Analysis
  • Business Process Mapping & Configuration
  • Test Case Documentations
  • Application Solution Testing
  • Data Migrations
  • Users Training


Whether you are upgrading, need support with your day-to-day operational management, or looking to deepen the business value derived from your investment, Single Stream can help you to achieve your goal. Our offerings are available with specific SLA support levels based on a yearly subscription featuring flexible billing schedules (monthly or quarterly). Additionally, these offerings boast unlimited client support hours so you can have 24/7 coverage 365 days a year. This support includes things as simple as call logging with first-time resolution through Help Desk, as well as full management of ServiceNow issues and escalations.

Business Reporting

IFS Business Reporting and Analysis™ helps you understand and analyze your business with pre-built analysis models for everything from finance and HR to sales and procurement. The Analysis Models are accessible from Microsoft Excel, IFS Lobby (Dashboard) and most popular reporting and analysis tools. IFS Business Reporter is an Excel based business reporting and planning tool. It can be used as a report tool or as an integrated part of budgeting and business planning.